JW FLV Player Video URL, Type & Streamer

Note: If Sound, Image or Video are selected, the player will automatically look for the video file in the Moodle course files directory. Use "Choose or upload a file...".

Video URL: The source or location of the media file to be played. It can be an FLV, F4V, MOV, MP4 or any file type supported by Flash Player. If the video file is on a different domain to your Moodle, there must be a crossdomain.xml policy file on that domain. i.e. If your site URL is "http://mymoodle.com/", and the video file URL is "http://someotherserver.com/videos/sample_video.flv", then there must be a crossdomain.xml file at "http://someotherserver.com/crossdomain.xml". Some video hosting sites such as YouTube.com already have a "catchall" crossdomain.xml policy file installed, allowing you to consume media from them without any configuration being necessary. For further details, see: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14213.html

Type: The type of media and type of delivery to be used for the Video URL provided. The settings are:

  • default - a URL link to a video file available over the Internet. Must start with http://...
  • Sound - a link to an MP3 or AAC file in the Moodle course files directory
  • Image - a link to an image file in the Moodle course files directory
  • Video - a link to a video file in the Moodle course files directory
  • YouTube - a URL link to a video file hosted on YouTube
  • Camera - accesses the user's web camera if present and turned on
  • HTTP Streaming - (advanced) consume media streams from an HTTP media server
  • Lighttpd Streaming - (advanced) consume media streams from a Lighttpd media server
  • RTMP Streaming - (advanced) consume media streams from an RTMP media server such Red5, Flash Media Server or Wowza. Please note: Do not include file extensions when using RTMP, i.e. "myvideofile" not "myvideofile.flv".

Streamer: (advanced) the gateway of the streaming server to be used (requires configuration by a developer). More than one streaming server configuration is possible.


Moodle Plugin Activity Module Developed by Matt Bury - http://matbury.com/

JW FLV Player Developed By Jeroen Wijering - http://www.longtailvideo.com/

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